Unauthorized Access or Entry


Unauthorized entry or assisting an unauthorized individual's entry into a residence hall is prohibited. This includes misrepresentation, using false identification, and other fraudulent behaviors.

Unauthorized access to the roof, fire escapes, ledges, and/or window of any building is prohibited. The following actions are in violation of University regulations and may result in removal from University housing:

  • gaining access to the roof of any building;
  • gaining access to a fire escape unless for the purpose of emergency evacuation;
  • throwing or dropping objects from roofs, windows, balconies, fire escapes, and/or ledges, whether accidental or deliberate;
  • sitting or standing on a window, balcony, or building ledge, or allowing any body part to dangle over a window, balcony, or ledge;
  • placing items, including banners and flags, on balconies, fire escapes or ledges or allowing them to hang outside windows.